Qualities of selected Maize Variety


S. No. Variety Name Seed rate Plant spacing Sowing Depth Sowing Season Grain color Extra description
1 ADV 759 8 kg/acre 60 cm x 22.5 cm (Row X Plant ) 4-5 cm. kharif-115-120 day,Rabi-125-135 day High yield, Uniform long cobs, Bold kernels with excellent tip filling, No. of rows 14, Suitable for rainfed area
2 PAC 751 Aleet 60 x 30-45 cm (Row x Plant) 4-5 cm. kharif-115-120 day,Rabi-125-135 day Orange Yellow Suitable for the rainfed area, Orange yellow flint grain, High shelling % (85 %) with uniform small grain. No.of rows 18-20, Plant height 5.5-6.5 feet ( Medium ), Yield – 30 qtl/acre, Leaves broad, Stay green plants after maturity so it is suitable for fodder.
3 6240 sygenta 5 kg/acre 60 x 30-45 cm (Row x Plant) 4-5 cm. Kharif & Jayad (80-85 days) Orange Yellow Well suited for fodder, High yielding, Semi-dent kernels with excellent tip filling, Stay green plants.Wide adaptability.A good yield is responsive to high input management, Stalk, and root rot, rust resistance.


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