Improved Varieties of Soybean

Varieties should be selected according to the agro-climatic zone. In the light land and rain-fed areas where average rainfall is between 600 to 750 mm. There should be early duration (90-95 days) variety. Medium type loamy land and 750 to 1000 mm in areas with moderate rainfall, in the medium-duration varieties, should be used to mature in 100 to 105 days. Late varieties should be sown in areas with excess rainfall from 1250 mm and heavy land. It should be noted that the seed germination capacity is more than 70% and the number of plants for the good harvest in the field should be 40 plants per square meter, only the suitable varieties of seed should be selected.

Improved varieties of soybean suitable for Madhya Pradesh.

S. N. Name of Variety Duration in Days Yield per Hectare
1. JS-9560 82-88 18-20
2. JS-9305 90-95 20-25
3. NRC-7 90-99 25-35
4. NRC-37 99-105 30-40
5. JS-335 98-102 25-30
6. JS-9752 95-100 20-25
7. JS-2029 93-96 22-24
8. RVS-2001-4 92-95 20-25
9. JS-2069 93-98 22-27
10. JS-2034 86-88 20-25

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Qualities of selected Maize Variety


S. No. Variety Name Seed rate Plant spacing Sowing Depth Sowing Season Grain color Extra description
1 ADV 759 8 kg/acre 60 cm x 22.5 cm (Row X Plant ) 4-5 cm. kharif-115-120 day,Rabi-125-135 day High yield, Uniform long cobs, Bold kernels with excellent tip filling, No. of rows 14, Suitable for rainfed area
2 PAC 751 Aleet 60 x 30-45 cm (Row x Plant) 4-5 cm. kharif-115-120 day,Rabi-125-135 day Orange Yellow Suitable for the rainfed area, Orange yellow flint grain, High shelling % (85 %) with uniform small grain. No.of rows 18-20, Plant height 5.5-6.5 feet ( Medium ), Yield – 30 qtl/acre, Leaves broad, Stay green plants after maturity so it is suitable for fodder.
3 6240 sygenta 5 kg/acre 60 x 30-45 cm (Row x Plant) 4-5 cm. Kharif & Jayad (80-85 days) Orange Yellow Well suited for fodder, High yielding, Semi-dent kernels with excellent tip filling, Stay green plants.Wide adaptability.A good yield is responsive to high input management, Stalk, and root rot, rust resistance.


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