Do these important agricultural work in the first fortnight of May

  • The first fortnight of May is the time for harvesting rabi crops, monitoring Zaid crops, and soil testing for farmers who leave their fields empty at this time, and do many other protective agricultural activities. Today, through this article, we tell you what farmers should do and what not to do in the first fortnight of May- 

  • The proper time for sowing tomato, chilli and other vegetable nurseries is 10-30 May. For nursery preparation, select improved varieties according to your area.

  • Leave the field open by ploughing the field deeply, so that the pests, pupae present in the soil, and their eggs, weeds and pathogens that spread fungal diseases are destroyed.

  • If the field is empty this month, then get the soil tested. Soil testing measures soil pH, electrical conductivity, organic carbon as well as major and micronutrient deficiencies, which can be improved over time.

  • For cotton cultivation, deep ploughing and harrowing should be done 3-4 times so that the water holding capacity increases with the friable soil. By doing this, harmful insects present in the soil, their eggs, pupa and spores of fungi will also be destroyed.

  • The farmers, who have zaid crops like moong, cucurbits etc. in their fields, should keep monitoring the field from time to time and adopt appropriate crop protection measures as per the requirement.

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