Symptoms and control of yellow vein mosaic virus in okra crop

It is a viral disease which spreads further due to the sucking insect present in the crop.

Symptoms: In the early stages of the disease, the veins of affected plant leaves turn yellow, but as the disease incidence increases or in the later stages of the disease, this yellowness spreads over the entire leaf and as a result, the leaves start to curl and shrink, and the growth of the plant stops. The fruits of the affected plant become pale yellow, deformed and hard.

Control: This disease is mainly spread by white flies, for its control spraying of Novaceta (Acetamiprid 20% SP) @ 30 gm per acre or Pager (Diphenthiuron 50% WP) @ 240 gm/acre in 150 to 200 litres of water.

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