Control of Fruit Rot in Brinjal

Control of Fruit Rot in Brinjal:-


  • Phytophthora rot occurs when fruitsĀ are in contact with the soil or mycelia grows through the peduncle into the fruit.
  • infected fruit tissue is water-soaked and dark-green at first; later white mycelium and sporangia develop on the surface of the affected area and, within several days, consume the entire fruit.
  • Fruit affected by these fungi dry rapidly and shrivel but do not drop.


  • Remove and destroy of the affected fruits.
  • spraying the crop with Mancozeb 75% WP @ 400 Gm/Acre or Zineb 75% WP@ 400 Gm/acre or Captan 70% + Hexaconazole 5% WP at an interval of 10 days.

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