Outbreak of nematode in Brinjal crop

  • Due to nematodes in the soil, nodes are formed in the roots of brinjal plants.
  • Due to its outbreak, the roots of the plants are not able to absorb nutrients. Due to this, there is a big decrease in the number of flowers and fruits.
  • Leaves start to turn yellow and the entire plant remains dwarf.
  • The plant dies after dying due to excess infection.
  • Do not plant brinjal, chilli, and tomato crops for 2-3 years in the field where problems already appear. 
  • Do deep plowing in the affected field in summer.  
  • Apply marigold between 1-2 rows of brinjal crop.
  • Mix 3% of Carbofuran @ 10 kg/ acre before planting.
  • For biological control of nematodes, mix 200 kg Neem cake or 2 kg Verticillium chlamydosporium or 2 kg Paecilomyces lilacinus or 2 kg Trichoderma harzianum with 100 kg of good rotten dung and mix it at the rate of one acre per acre.

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