Measures to control fruit borer and stem borer in Brinjal crop

The outbreak of this pest is highest in Brinjal. In the initial stage, its caterpillar makes a hole in the soft stem, due to which the stem and top part of the plant dry up. Due to its attack, flowers fall before flowering. After this, it makes a hole in the fruit and enters inside and eats the pulp. Due to this the affected fruits rot and the fruits are not edible, due to which there is a considerable drop in the market price.

Control Measures: To control it, spray Spintor (Spinosad 45% SC) 75 ml/acre or Fame (Flubendiamide 39.35% SC) 50 ml/acre or Cover (Chlorantraniliprole 18.% SC) 60ml/acre mixed in 200 litres of water.

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