Follow these crop management measures after planting onions

  • For good production of onion, it is very necessary to do crop management (nutrition and spray management) in 15 days after transplanting.

  • With proper nutrient management, the nutrients are properly utilized by the onion plants and the roots of the onion crop are well spread in the soil. Along with this, the immunity against diseases increases.

  • Apply Urea @ 30 kg/acre + Sulfur 90% @ 10 kg/ acre in 10 to 15 days after transplanting.

  • Urea is a source of nitrogen, sulfur plays a very important role in the prevention of fungal diseases, as well as in the supply of nutrients.

  • To control the pest, spray Fipronil 5% SC @ 400 ml/acre.

  • For good growth and spread of onion roots in the soil, spray Humic Acid @ 100 gm/acre.

  • For control of fungal diseases, spray Carbendazim 12% + Mancozeb 63% @ 300 gm/acre or Thiophanate Methyl 70% @ 300 gm/acre.

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