Symptoms of Stemphylium Blight in Onion

  • Small yellowish to orange spots or streaks are seen in the middle of the leaves.
  • In later stages, elongated spindle-shaped spots surrounded by pinkish margin develop in the middle of leaves.
  • The disease appearing on the inflorescence stalk causes severe damage to the seed crop.
  • At the interval of 10-15 days after transplanting or if symptoms of the disease appear, use fungicides such as
  • Spray THIOPHANATE METHYL 70% W/W  @ 250 gram / acre or CARBENDAZIM 12% + MANCOZEB 63%WP @ 300 gram / acre.
  • HEXACONAZOLE 5% SC@ 400 ml/ acre or TEBUCONAZOLE 10% + SULPHUR(S) 65% WG  @ 500 gram / acre.
  • Spray CHLOROTHALONIL 75% WP  @ 250 gram / acre or KASUGAMYCIN 5% + COPPER OXYCHLORIDE 45% WP @ 300 gram / acre.
  • As a biological treatment use PSEUDOMONAS FLUORESCENS  @ 250 gram / acre or TRICHODERMA VIRIDE @ 500 gram/acre.




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