Identify foot and mouth disease in animals by its symptoms

This disease is caused to animals by a very small virus or virus that is not visible to the naked eye. Which is called the foot and mouth virus.

Reasons for the spread of the disease:

This disease mainly spreads through direct contact with infected animal secretions and excretory fluids such as saliva, dung, milk, grain, water, grass, utensils, hands of the milker and through the air. Viruses are in large numbers in this discharge and enter the body of a healthy animal through the mouth and nose.

Symptoms of the disease:

When this disease occurs, the animal has a high fever (104-106*F). Small blisters are formed in the mouth of the sick animal mainly on the top of the tongue, inside the lips, on the gums as well as in the space between the hooves. Then gradually these blisters coalesce to form bigger blisters. When the time comes, these blisters burst and there are wounds in them. Due to blisters in the mouth, animals stop chewing and stop eating and drinking, saliva keeps falling continuously from the mouth, as well as the sound like chap-chap is also heard while running the mouth. Milk production in milch animals is reduced by up to 80%. Animals start getting weak. Even after getting healthy, the affected animal keeps on panting for months and many times for life.

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