Precautions to be taken while preparing a nursery

  • The small place where the plants are kept for proper care in the initial stage is called a nursery. 

  • Location selection for nursery- The nursery area should be higher than the surrounding area, land should be fertile and free from disorder, have sufficient sunlight, there should be a permanent system of irrigation, there should be a place free from pollution, there should be adequate arrangements for security, availability of local and cheap labourers. Keep all these things in mind while choosing a place for a nursery.

  • Use fertile soil, sand and vermicompost mixed in 2:1:1 respectively.

  • Sowing beds 3 m long and 1 m wide and 10 – 15 cm high raised are considered ideal.

  • Seed treatment – Before sowing, treat the seeds with Carbendazim 12% + Mancozeb 63% WP (Carmanova) @ 3 gm/kg of seed.

  • Irrigation – In autumn and summer, before germination, irrigation should be done daily in the evening.

  • Weeding and hoeing – Weeds should be removed by hand or with a hoe and do light hoeing from time to time.

  • Plant Protection – For fungal disease and pest management, 20 -25 days after sowing, mix Metalaxyl 8% + Mancozeb 64% WP [Sanchar] 60 gm + Fipronil 40% + Imidacloprid 40% WG [Police] at 5 gm per 15 L of water, and drench well. 

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