Weed control measures at the time of nursery and transplanting in paddy crops

weed control in nursery

Paddy is an important crop of the Kharif season and it is very important to destroy the weeds in time. In addition to diseases and pests in paddy cultivation, weeds also cause a lot of damage. Along with this, various insects are also attracted due to weeds which are harmful for the paddy crop.

10-12 days after sowing (post emergence)

Nominee Gold

  • Nominee Gold controls the Narrow and broadleaf weeds in paddy crops.

  • It is a selective herbicide. Best time to spray at 2-4 leaf stage of the weed.

  • For weed control in paddy crops when the nursery stage is 10-12 days old, spray Nominigold (Bispyribac-Sodium 10% SC) @ 8 ml per 15 liters of water.

  • Use a flat fan (cut) nozzle.

Pre-emergence herbicide 0 to 3 days after transplanting (after paddy transplantation and before weed germination)

  • Is a broad spectrum and selective herbicide. Controls almost all weeds (grasses and broadleaf weeds) in paddy. 

  • In a paddy crop, within 0-3 days of transplanting to prevent the germinating weeds, ERAZE  (Pretilachlor 50%EC) @ 400 ml, mixed with 40 kg of sand and broadcast in the field evenly. Maintain 4-5 cm water level in the field at the time of broadcast.

  •  3-7 days after transplanting, spray Saathi (Pyrazosulfuron Ethyl 10% WP) @ 40-50 grams per acre at the rate of 150-200 liters of water.

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