Vaccination For Dairy Animals

Vaccination For Dairy Animals:-

Sl. No Name of Disease Age at first dose Booster dose Subsequent dose
1 Foot and Mouth

Disease (FMD)

4 months and  above 1 month after first dose Six monthly
2 Haemorrhagic

Septicaemia (HS)

6 months and  above Annually in endemic areas.
3 Black Quarter (BQ) 6 months and  above Annually in endemic areas.
4 Brucellosis 4-8 months of age

(Only female calves)

Once in a lifetime
5 Theileriosis 3 months of age and above Once in a lifetime. Only required for crossbred and exotic cattle.
6 Anthrax 4 months and  above Annually in endemic areas.
7 IBR 3 months and  above 1 month after first dose Six monthly (vaccine presently not produced in India)
8 Rabies (Post bite therapy only) Immediately after suspected bite. 4th day 7,14,28 and 90 (optional) days after first dose.

Source : NDDB Handbook of Good Dairy Husbandry Practices

Points to be noted

  • Animals should be in good health at the time of vaccination. Do not vaccinate animals which are already in stress (Like bad weather, Scarcity of fodder & water, Disease outbreaks, after transportation etc.)
  • Try to deworm animals & remove ecto-parasites one to two weeks prior to vaccination.
  • Strictly follow vaccination schedule after consultation with veterinary experts.
  • Keep records of vaccination for name of vaccine manufacturing company, Batch number, Expiry date, Dose & route of vaccine.
  • Maintain cold chain for vaccines which may have to keep for 2-8 degree Celsius temperature.
  • Create stress free environment for animals after vaccination.

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