Be careful while harvesting watermelon, take care of proper time

Watermelon fruits start to be plucked after 75 to 80 days of sowing. If the fruits are to be sent to a distant market, then harvesting is done early. Depending on the size and colour of the fruits according to each variety, when will the fruit mature? Generally, when ripe fruits are pressed with fingers, there is a sound of dhap-dhap, as well as when the stem starts drying, only then do the fruits become eligible for harvesting. If the portion of the fruit which remains in the soil turns yellow from white, then the fruit is considered ripe. If the fruit squeezes easily when pressed, and does not require much force while pressing, then the fruit is considered ripe. While harvesting the fruit, note that to separate the fruits from the stalk, use a sharp knife. Apart from this, the fruits should be collected in a cold place.

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