Symptoms and prevention of calcium deficiency in tomato plants

  • Deficiency symptoms mainly appear on rapidly growing parts of the plant due to the very low mobility of calcium in plant tissues.

  • Symptoms of calcium deficiency appear in the base parts of the leaves, due to which the leaves turn yellow and gradually dry up.

  • Symptoms of its deficiency are visible in the form of dry dead spots on the stem of the plant and the upper growing parts perish.

  • Initially, the colour of the upper tender leaves is dark green, then later the edges of the leaves start turning yellow and finally the plant dies.

  • The edges of the leaves of the plant grow slowly compared to the other places of the leaf, as a result of which the leaves curl downwards.

  • Due to the deficiency of calcium on the fruits of the plant, the symptoms of blossom end rot appear.


  • During field preparation, if the soil is acidic then use lime and if the soil is alkaline then use gypsum.

  • Before transplanting in the field add calcium nitrate @ 10 kg/acre.

  • If symptoms of calcium deficiency are observed, spray chelated calcium EDTA @ 250 gm/acre twice.

  • Spray 800 grams per acre of water-soluble calcium nitrate.

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