Know the importance of seed treatment in summer moong

  • After harvesting Rabi crops, farmers can get additional income by sowing moong crops instead of leaving their fields empty in the summer season.

  • Seed treatment before sowing can easily control seed-borne and soil-borne diseases and increase crop germination.

  • By treating the seeds, uniform germination is seen in the seeds.

  • As seed treatment, use Carbendazim 12%+ Mancozeb 63% [ Carmanova]  @ 2.5 gm/kg of seed to control soil borne harmful fungi.

  • For its biological treatment, do seed treatment of Trichoderma viride [Rhizocare] @ 5-10 gm/kg seed or Pseudomonas fluorescens [Monas karb] @ 5-10 gm/kg seed.

  • Use Thiamethoxam FS formulation [Reno] @ 4 ml/kg of seed to prevent pest infestation.

  • Finally, sow the seed after seed treatment with special Rhizobium culture [Jaivatika-R] @ 5 gm/kg seed.

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