Necessary spraying to be done in gram in 20 -25 days after sowing

  • Gram is the most important pulse crop of India. It is used for human consumption as well as for feeding animals. The fresh green leaves and pods are used as vegetables and the husk is excellent fodder for cattle.

  • To protect the crop from insect and fungal diseases in 20-25 days of sowing in gram crop, first spray Carbendazim 12% + Mancozeb 63% 300 gm + Profenofos 40% + Cypermethrin 4% EC at the rate of 400 ml per acre.

  • For vegetative growth and development of the crop, spray Seaweed Extract @ 400 grams or Gibberellic Acid at 0.001% @ 300 ml per acre.

  • Use a silicone-based sticker with every spray @ 5 ml / 15 litres of water.

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