Increase crop yield with Panchgavya made of 5 cow products

  • Panchagavya means Pancha + Gavya meaning a substance made from a mixture of cow urine, cow dung, milk, curd, and ghee is called Panchagavya.
  • It is also used to increase the fertilizer strength and crop production of agriculture, and to increase immunity in plants.
  • Panchgavya is a highly effective organic fertilizer. Panchgavya is made from five products of the local cow because all the nutrients needed for plants are found in sufficient and balanced quantities in the products of the local cow.
  • Increase in number of microorganisms in soil, improves fertility of soil
  • Increase in crop production and its quality.  Reduce the effects of diseases and pests in crops
  • Based on simple and cheap  technology.

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