Leaf miner insect attack in cucumber crop

  • The tiny maggot insects are very small, legless, and yellow in colour and adult insects are light yellow in colour.

  • The symptoms of its damage are first visible on the leaves.

  • The larvae of this insect enter the leaves and make tunnels by eating the green matter. Due to this white spiral stripes appear on the leaves.

  • The affected plant bears less fruit and leaves fall prematurely. Plant growth stops and plants remain small.

  • Due to the attack of this insect, the photosynthesis of plants is also affected.

  • To control this pest, spray Abamectin 1.9% EC [Abacin] @ 150 ml or Spinosad 45% SC [Tracer] @ 60 ml or Cyantraniliprole 10.26% OD [Benevia] @ 250 ml per acre.

  • As a biological treatment, spray Beauveria bassiana [Bave curb] @ 500 gm/acre.

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