Outbreak of downy mildew will cause heavy loss in cucumber crop

  • Symptoms of downy mildew are confined to the leaves and their appearance varies widely among cucurbit species. On most species, lesions are first visible on the upper leaf surface as small, irregular to angular, slightly chlorotic areas.

  • Symptoms appear first on older leaves and progress to younger leaves as they expand.

  • When conditions (leaf wetness and humidity) favour sporulation, the production of fruiting bodies (sporangia) on the lower leaf surface gives the undersides of the lesions a downy appearance, varying in colour from light grey to deep purple.

  • Lesions can coalesce and result in large areas of dead tissue which exposes the fruit to sunscald. Extensive defoliation can occur when conditions are favourable.

  • For its control, apply Novaxyl (Metalaxyl 8% + Mancozeb 64% WP) @ 1 kg/acre or Jatayu (Chlorothalonil 75% WP) @ 300 g/acre.

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