The vector of the cucumber mosaic virus is aphids. Cucurbits are susceptible to the Cucumber mosaic virus.
Initially, water-soaked yellow spots develop on the leaves.
The spots grow rapidly and become irregular to circular with a light grey or white centre. The spots coalesce and turn into large lesions.
Plants become severely stunted and leaves become distorted.
When infected at the stage of flowering and fruit, there is a huge reduction in yield due to malformation of the fruit.
Eventually, the leaves dry up and the plant dies.
Preventive measures
To control this Insect, take a spray of Admire (Imidacloprid 70% WG) @ 14 g + Silicomaxx Gold @ 50 ml per acre @ 150 to 200 litres of water.
After 3 days, spray Privintal BV @ 100 gm per acre @ 150 to 200 litres of water.
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