How to save the Bitter Gourd crop from Anthracnose disease

  • It’s a very harmful disease of Bitter gourd.
  • Initially irregular yellow or brown spots start appearing on the leaves.
  • In the next stages, these spots become darker and spread on the entire leaves.
  • Small dark spots are produced on the fruit which then spread on the whole fruit.
  • Pink spores are formed between these spots in wet weather.
  • Due to this, the process of photosynthesis is interrupted and the plant growth stops completely.
  • To prevent this disease, treat the seeds at the rate of Carboxin 37.5 + Thiram 37.5 @ 2.5 g / kg seed.
  • Spray Mancozeb 75% WP 400 gram/acre or chlorothalonil 75% WP 300 gram/acre at 10 days intervals.

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