How much loan will the farmers get this year, the state government has decided

Farmers take loans for their agricultural activities. The government provides these loans to the farmers at low interest rates. The state governments decide how much loan the farmers will get. For the financial year 2021-22, the Chhattisgarh government has fixed the loans to be given to the farmers.

This year the state government has set a target of providing a total loan of Rs 5300 crore to the farmers. Proper guidelines have been issued by the state government so that farmers can easily get these loans through banks.

The farmers of the state can take this loan during a fixed time period. Farmers can take this loan from Registrar Cooperative Societies, State Cooperative Banks, Rural Development Bank, Agriculture Department, Cooperative Registrar Societies and all nationalized banks.

Farmers will be able to get a loan of Rs 19,800/acre for irrigated paddy crops this year under Kharif season. 14 thousand 400 / acre for unirrigated paddy, Rs 11 thousand / acre for tur and tur, Rs 13200 / acre for groundnut, Rs 13200 / acre for soybean has been fixed.

Source: Kisan Samadhan

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