Nutrition management at the time of sowing in potato crop

  • Nutritions are required for the good production of potato crops.
  • The potato crop is a tuber crop, that is why potato crops require a lot of nutrients.
  • Therefore, a suitable time and proper fertilizer management are very important for plant growth and the high production of potato crops. 
  • As soil treatment before sowing: – SSP @ 200 kg / acre + DAP @ 75 kg / acre + DAP (without SSP) @ 150 kg / acre + potash @ 75 kg / acre  
  •  At a time of sowing Nutrition Management: – Urea (with SSP) @ 60 kg / acre + Urea (without SSP) @ 45 kg / acre at the time of sowing and broadcast in the open field.
  • Use Gramophone “Potato samriddhi Kit” with all these nutrients that can be used for potato crop nutrition management. This kit is used for soil treatment

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