Now farmers will get 75% grant on tubewell mining

To provide support to the farmers, Nalkoop Khanan Yojana is being run by the Government of Madhya Pradesh and under this scheme, a grant of up to 75% is being given to farmers for mining of tube wells.

The Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes farmers of the state can take advantage of the Nalkoop Khanan Yojana. Apart from this, the farmers of the general category are given benefits under a separate scheme. Presently this scheme is applicable in the entire state except for Indore and Shajapur districts.

Under this scheme, 75% of the amount is received by the state government for successful or unsuccessful tube well mining Under this, a maximum amount of Rs 25000 is given by the state government. Apart from this, 75% of the amount is paid to the farmer for pumping on successful tube wells. Under this, the state government gives a maximum amount of 15000 thousand rupees.

Source: Krishi Jagran

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