Useful advice for farmers in a changing environment after good rainfall

There has been good rainfall in the past, due to which weeds must have started growing in the fields. Therefore, when the weeds grow well, all the farmers turn them into soil through a tractor. You should do this work 4 to 5 days before sowing.

Apart from this, when you drive a tractor, before that the West deComposer, which is available in the name of Speed ​​Compost, mix the quantity of 4 kg per acre with 10 kg urea in the field and then run the cultivator and mix it in the field.

With this, you should also mix Trichoderma according to 2 kg. This will help protect the crop not only from diseases but also from pests. Such crops in which nematodes can attack will also protect against that.

This will be a rewarding task especially for the farmers who grow chilli. Apart from this, those who have laid the drip line must spray Paraquat and use the above mixture.


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