Withered chilli crop gets new life from Novamaxx

Withered chilli crop gets new life from Novamaxx

The advanced agricultural products of the Nova series are being well-liked among the farmers. In a very short span of time, these products have become the first choice of the farmers. Especially Novamaxx which comes under this series has been successful in making its inroads among the farmers by giving better nutrition to the crops.

The withered chilli crop of Khategaon farmer Anand Bishnoi got a new life with the use of Novamaxx and all the plants came to life. When Anand ji was asked about the experience related to the use of Novamax, he said that after the use of Novamax, the pace of development of the chilli crop became very fast.

Novamaxx helps in improving the immunity of the crop to withstand stress conditions like drought and frost conditions as well as insect attacks. It helps in the metabolic processes of the plant by supplying nutrients and water through the development of roots. improves. It improves soil health and increases the amount of nitrogen, zinc and protein in the plant. It increases the synthesis of organic compounds which are useful for plant growth. It increases the rate of photosynthesis which is useful for crop growth. It helps in the formation of flowers, fruits and grains and increases the rate of maturity resulting in good yield.

It is a high-quality crop nutrition product recommended for cotton, sugarcane, groundnut, soybean, rice, fruit, paddy, wheat, maize, cereals, horticultural crops and all other crops. It should be used as a spray.

Click here to purchase Novamaxx.
