Symptoms and control of whitefly in chilli

white fly in chilli
  • This pest causes a lot of damage in chilli crops in both the stages of its life cycle i.e. nymph and adult
  • They suck the cell sap of chilli plant leaves and inhibit plant growth.
  • This insect also causes infection of a harmful fungus known as the black fungus that grows on the plant.
  • In the situation of high infestation, the chilli crop becomes fully infected 
  • Even after the crop is fully developed, there is a chance of infestation of this pest which causes the leaves of this crop to dry up and fall.
  • Management:  For the control of this pest,DIAFENTHIURON 50 % WP@ 250 gram / acre orFLONICAMID 50% WG@ 60 ml / acre or ACETAMIPRID 20 % SP @ 100 gram / acre or PYRIPROXYFEN 10 % + BIFENTHRIN 10% EC@ 250 ml / acre 