Weed management is necessary in gram crop

Weed management is necessary in gram crop
  • Many types of weeds like Bathua, Khartua, Morva, Pyaji, Motha, Dub etc. grow in the gram crop.

  • These weeds affect the yield by competing with the crop plants for nutrients, moisture, space and light. Apart from this, weeds also cause many diseases and pests in the crop, which also affect the quality of the seed. 

  • Timely control is very important to prevent the damage caused by weeds. Two hoeing is sufficient in gram crop. First, weeding should be done after 20-25 days of sowing and second after 50-55 days.

  • If labourers are not available, spray Pendimethalin 38.7% EC 700 ml per acre in the field within 1-3 days after sowing. Then do one hoeing after 20-25 days of sowing. In this way, the damage caused by weeds in the gram crop can be prevented.

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Weed Management in watermelon

Weed Management in watermelon
  • Watermelon is a shallow rooted crop, hence intercultural activities can be done very comfortably.
  • Often,weeding  is done between the rows of crops. Weeds should not  grow too much in the field, in the event of large weeds growing in the field, they should be uprooted by hand and separated.
  • Spray chemical weedicide like Pendimethalin 30% CS @ 700 ml/acre during 1 to 3 days before germination of weeds .
  • For control of  narrow leafed weeds use Quizalofop ethyl 5% EC @ 400 ml / acre at 2-4 leaf stage with or Propaquizafop 10% EC @ 400 ml/acre at 10 to 25 days of crop stage.

Weed management in Okra

  • Apply deep ploughing before sowing.
  • Follow Crop rotation, using such crop as grasses and small grains.
  • Hand weeding 2-3 (20,40 and 60 days) after sowing.
  • Spray of oxyfluorfen 23.5 EC @ 200 ml/acre at after sowing and pre-emergence.
  • Spray of Pendimethalin 30% EC 700 ml/acre in three days after sowing.
  • Spray of propaquizafop 10% EC 400 ml/acre at 2-3 leaf stage of weeds for the controlling of narrow leaf weeds.

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Weed control in Garlic

Weed control in Garlic:-
  • Application of Pendimethalin 38.7% CS @ 100ml/15 litre of water or Oxyfluorfen 23.5 EC @ 15ml/15 litre of water or Oxadiargyl 80% WP @ 12 gm/ 15 litre of water at 3 days after planting are recommended for effective weed control in Garlic along with one weeding by hand at 25-30 days after planting and second hand weeding 40-45 Days After Planting in crop.
  • The use of rice straw mulch or wheat straw mulch is recommended to enhance the yield also.
  • The combined application of Oxyfluorfen 23.5 % EC @ 1ml/l + quizalofop ethyl 5 % EC @ 2 ml/L at 20-25 days after planting and having at 30-35 days after planting good control of weed and higher bulb yield.

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Weed Control in Tomato Crop

Weed Control in Tomato Crop:-

  • About 2-3 hoeing up are essential at the initial stage of plant growth.
  • Application of pre-emergence weedicide of Pendimethalin 30% SC @ 700 ml/Acre with one hand weeding 45 days after transplanting is more effective for weed control.
  • Application of post-emergence weedicide of Metribuzin 70% WP @ 300 Gm/Acre 15 days after transplanting.
  • Application of mulches like straw, saw dust and black polythene are used in controlling weeds, moisture conservation for better quality of yield.

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Weed management in brinjal

  • Hand weeding is done, when the plants are young.
  • spray weedicide pendimethalin 30% EC @ 1.2 litres/acre within 72 hours after transplanting + Hand weeding at 30 days after transplanting.

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Weed control of cowpea

  • One to two hoeing should be done to control weed and for improving root aeration.    
  • Effective weed management in first 25-30 days of the crop period is essential.
  • pendimethalin 38.7% CS @ 700 ml/acre or alachlor 50% EC @ 1 litres/acre can control the weeds effectively up to 30 days.

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Weed Management in Soybean

Weed Management in Soybean

  1. Mechanical Methods (Hand weeding and Hoeing):- Two hand weeding is necessary in soybean at a time of 20-25 Days and 40-45 days after sowing. According to the convenience, should be done by the Dora before 30 days of crop should be careful that the roots of plants do not suffer.
  2. Use of Chemical herbicides :-   Spray the recommended amount of herbicide in 700-800 liters of water.Use the Flat Fan or Flood Jet Nozzle in the Sprayer. Spray on moisture land.Use only one of the recommended weed chemicals for soybean cultivation. Use every year a diffrent herbicide.

Recommended Dose of Herbicide for Soybean:-


Time of Uses Chemical Name Quantity/Hactare
Before sowing 1 Fluchloralin 2.2 Litre
2 Trifluralin 2.0 Litre
After sowing 1 Metolachlor 2 Litre
2 Clomazone 2 Litre
3 Pendimethalin 3.25 Litre
4 Diclosulam 26 Gm
10-15 Days after sowing 1 Chlorimuron ethyl 36 Gm
15-20 Days after sowing 1 Imazathpyr 1 Litre
2 Quizalofop ethyl 1 Litre
3 Fenoxaprop ethyl 0.75 Litre
4 Propaquizafop 0.75 Litre

source:- https://iisrindore.icar.gov.in/

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Weed Management Of Maize

Weed Management Of Maize:-

  • Apply Atrazine @ 0.25 kg/ha as pre-emergence on 3-5 DAS using Backpack/ Knapsack/ Rocker sprayer fitted with a flat fan nozzle using 500 litres of water/ha followed by one hand weeding on 30-35 DAS. (or)
  • Apply Atrazine @ 0.25 kg/ha as pre-emergence on 3-5 DAS followed by 2,4-D @ 1 kg/ha on 20-25 DAS, using Backpack/Knapsack/Rocker sprayer fitted with a flat fan nozzle using 500 litres of water/ha.
  • Apply herbicide when there is sufficient moisture in the soil.
  • Do not disturb the soil after herbicide application.
  • If pulse crop is to be raised as intercrop, do not use Atrazine. Spray Pendimethalin @0.75 kg/ha as pre emergence on 3-5 DAS.

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Weed control in Carrot

To control the weeds in carrots, we should make 2 to 3 weeding- At the same time, the distance of plants should be maintain 4 to 5 Cms. When the growth of roots begins soil should be fed on the ridge. Spray Pendamethlin @ 3.5 liters per hectare per in the field immediately after sowing to control the weed control. There should be moisture in the field while spraying.

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