Anthracnose control in watermelon

  • Clean cultivation and crop rotation minimize disease incidence.
  • Treat the seed with Carbendazim 50% WP @ 2.5 gm/kg.  
  • Spray Mancozeb 75% WP @ 400 gm/acre or chlorothalonil 75% WP @ 300 gm/acre at 10 days intervals.

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Downy mildew control in watermelon

  • Water soaked lesions appear on undersurface of leaf lamina.
  • Angular spots appear on upper surface similar to water-soaked lesions.
  • Lesions appear first on the older leaves and progressively on the younger leaves.
  • As the lesions expand, they may remain yellow or become dry and brown.
  • Affected vines do not set fruit properly.
  • Plucking and destroy of affected leaves.
  • Spray with Mancozeb 75% WP @ 350-400 gm/acre or Chlorothalonil 75% WP @ 200-250 gm/ acre.
  • Crop rotation and sanitation reduces the severity of the disease.

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Control measures of root-knot nematode in watermelon

  • The female deposits eggs in or on the roots, or in decaying root debris.
  • The juveniles hatch from the eggs and move toward root tips or minor wounds. They feed on root tissue.
  • The nematode attacks the roots and produces tiny galls.
  • The infested plants show symptoms of withering and wilting of leaves.
  • They block the movement of nutrients and water in the plant system and subjected to wilt and finally leads to death.
  • Growth of the plant is stunted and fruiting capacity adversely affected.
  • Yellowing of the foliage and wilting of the upper leaves occurs.
  • Do use deep summer ploughing and soil solarization to control root-knot nematode.
  • Neem cake @ 200kg/ha for effective control.
  • Use Paecilomyces Lilacinus 1 % wp Mix 2 – 4 kg per acre in 50 kg well rotten Fym/compost/vermicompost/field soil and then incorporate in the field at the time of field preparation, sowing/transplanting. for effective control of Root-knot nematodes infection.

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Pinching in watermelon

  • Pinches are made to prevent overgrowth of watermelon from the plant.
  • When there is enough fruit on the oxen of watermelon, then there should be a solution to pinch, which can prevent the bull from failing.
  • Pinching and cutting of unwanted wounds results in good nutrition for the fruit and the development of the fruits is good.
  • If there is more fruit on a vine, then remove the small and weak fruits so that the main fruit gets better.
  • By removing unnecessary branches, watermelon gets complete nutrition and it grow very fast.

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Boron deficiency symptoms and control in watermelon

  • Young leaves are smaller than normal and may be curled.
  • Yellowing proceeds from the marginal area between the veins towards the center.
  • The youngest leaves show necrotic tips.
  • Stems can crack due to the low cell strength.
  • Plants are stunted or dwarfed as the internodes are shortened.
  • Growing points die back.
  • Flowering and fruit set is poor.
  • Fruits are distorted with a poor skin finish.
  • Hollow heart is more common.
  • Deficiencies usually occur when soil moisture contents are too high, or under conditions of high pH.

Control :-

  • Use of calcium nitrate with added boron fertliizer @ 25 kg/acre.
  • Use of phosphate solubilizing bacteria @ 4 kg per acre.
  • Spray of boron 20% @ 200 gm per acre twice in 10 days at flowering stage.

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Control measures of aphids in Watermelon

  • The affected plants have to be uprooted and destroyed to prevent the spread of the disease.
  • For effective control of aphid fortnightly spray of acephate 75 % SP @ 300- 400 gm / acre or Imidacloprid 17.8% SL @100 ml /acre or acetamiprid 20% SP @ 150-200 gm/ acre.

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Advantage of PSB in watermelon

  • Increase micronutrients availability to plant from the soil like Mn, Mg, Fe, Mo, B, Zn and Cu in addition to P2O5.
  • Encourage faster root growth for water and nutrient uptake.
  • PSB produce organic acids like malic, succinic, fumaric, citric, tartaric acid and acetic acid which fasten the P2O5 uptake, maturity and increase yield.
  • Increase resistance towards diseases and drought tolerance due to rapid cell development in the plants.
  • Reduce 25 – 30% phosphatic fertilizer requirement.

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Flower promotion nutrients in watermelon

  • The flowering stage is most important in watermelon.
  • The flowering is played a vital role in the production of watermelon.
  • A flowering stage comes 40-45 days after seed sowing.
  • We can promote flowering and takes high yield through given below products.
  • Spray Homobrassinolide 0.04% W/w 100-120 ml/acre.
  • Apply seaweed extract 180-200 ml./acre.
  • Use multi-Micro nutrients 300 Gm/acre.
  • Spray 2 gm/acre gibberellic acid.

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Irrigation management in watermelon

  • Watermelon responds very much to irrigation but it can not withstand waterlogged condition.
  • It is generally cultivated as a spring-summer crop in which frequency of irrigation is very important.
  • The crop should be irrigated at 3-5 days intervals.
  • Soil moisture stress during pre-flowering, flowering, and fruit development stage drastically reduce yield.
  • Irrigation should be stopped during ripening as it adversely affects fruit quality and promotes fruit cracking.
  • Frequently irrigation promotes diseases on the plants for the controlling diseases control measure may be applied.

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Seed rate of watermelon

Seed rate of water melon vary on spacing and varieties.

  • Improved and research varieties:- 1.5 to 2 Kg/Acre.
  • Hybrid and private sector varieties:- 300-500 Gm/Acre.

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