Control of white fly in watermelon

Control of white fly in watermelon
  • Nymphs and adults suck the cell sap from the leaves.
  • The affected leaves curl and dry.
  • The affected plants show stunted growth.
  • Whiteflies are also responsible for transmitting yellow vein mosaic virus or leaf curl disease.
  • 4-5 foliar spray of dimethoate 30% EC @ 300 ml/acre or profenophos 50% EC @ 400 ml/acre at 10 days intervals.

Watermelon is very beneficial in summer season

Watermelon is very beneficial in summer season
  • Watermelon contains 92% water, which keeps the body cool, fresh and hydrated.
  • Its consumption also protects us from hot air (Loo) in summer.
  • Watermelon contains antioxidants that strengthen the immune system. It also reduces calories which controls obesity.
  • Vitamin C is found in plenty in watermelon, which helps in the formation of the upper skin of the body and care, and vitamin C increases the body’s ability to fight against diseases.
  • Its intake helps to balance blood pressure.

Pinching in watermelon and muskmelon crop 

  • Pinches are made to prevent overgrowth of watermelon from the plant.
  • When there is enough fruit on the oxen of watermelon, then there should be a solution to pinch, which can prevent the bull from failing.
  • Pinching and cutting unwanted wounds results in good nutrition for the fruit and the development of the fruits is good.
  • If there are too many fruits on a vine, then remove the small and weak fruits so that the normal fruit gets better.
  • By removing unnecessary branches, watermelon gets complete nutrition and it grows very fast.

How to identify Gummy Stem blight disease in the pumpkin, watermelon, melon crop.

  • In this disease, infection is visible on almost every part of the plant except the roots.
  • A Yellowness/greenness occurs at the edges of the leaves, while spots start occurring on their surfaces. 
  • The wound is formed on the stem of the plant which is infected by this disease. Then a black-coloured gummy substance starts releasing from this wound. 
  • On the string, brown spots become black spots which later go to the wound.
  • In bottle gourd seeds have medium-brown, dark spots.

Management of Downy Mildew in watermelon crop 

  • Plucking and destroying affected leaves helps in reducing Downy Mildew in watermelon crop.
  • Plant seeds of disease-resistant varieties.
  • Crop rotation and sanitation reduces the severity of the disease.
  • Drench with thiophenate methyl 70% WP at the rate of 300 gm/acre.
  • Spray Metalaxyl 8%+Mancozeb 64% WP at the rate of  500 gm/acre.
  • Spray pseudomonas fluorescens @ 500 gram/acre.

How to identify Downy Mildew in watermelon crop 

  • Water-soaked lesions appear under the surface of leaf lamina.
  • Angular spots appear on the upper surface similar to water-soaked lesions.
  • Lesions appear first on the older leaves and progressive on the younger leaves.
  • As the lesions expand, they may remain yellow or become dry and brown.
  • Affected vines do not bear fruits properly.