Watermelon crop sowing time fertilizer management

  • Fertilizer management in watermelon crops protects the crop from nutritional problems.

  • Apply DAP @ 50 kg + Boronated SSP @ 75 kg + Potash @ 75 kg + Zinc sulphate @ 10 kg + Magnesium sulphate @ 10 kg as soil treatment at the time of field preparation before sowing.

  • Samridhi kit with 20 kg Urea at the time of sowing [ Trichoderma virdi (Rhizocare) 500 gm + Consortia of NPK Bacteria  (Team Bio-3) 3 kg  + ZnSB (Taba G) 4 kg + Seaweed, Humic, Amino Acids and Mycorrhiza ( Maxxmyco) 2 kg] per acre.

  • In this way, by managing fertilizers, the supply of phosphorus, potash, nitrogen along other fertilizers and nutrients is easily done in the crop and soil.
