Improved varieties of maize for Kharif season

  • 6240 :- Crop duration of 80-85 days, it remains green even after maturity, due to which it is suitable for fodder variety, high yield, grains are of semi dent type. Those that remain till the end in the cob, grow even in unfavorable environments, stolk and root are resistant to rot and rust diseases. 

  • 3401:- The grain filling capacity is more about 80-85%, there are 16-20 lines in each cob, till the end the corn is full, long duration crop is 110 days, high yield 30-35 quintals.

  • 8255:- Harvest period of 115-120 days” Tolerant to moisture stress, can also be used for fodder purpose. Good husk cover and excellent standability, best performance even at 26000 plants/acre plant count”

  • NK-30 :- Crop period of 100-120 days Favorable for tropical rain, Tolerance to stress/drought etc. Conditions, Deep orange colored grains with excellent tip filling, High yield, Suitable for fodder.

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