Varieties of Green Gram giving tremendous production in Zaid season

Varieties of Green Gram giving tremendous production in Zayed season

In Madhya Pradesh, moong is cultivated in both the summer and Kharif seasons. Moong is a major pulse crop with a short duration. Farmers, as you all know that Zayed season is coming and farmers are going to cultivate moong. But the farmers face a serious problem that which varieties they should plant and which should not so that they can get more yield. Plant these varieties in the season of Zaid, get abundant production.

Variety Name – Awasthi Samrat PDM 139
Ripening period – 55-60 days
Yield – 5-6 quintals per acre
Grain colour – bright green grains
Planting time – Zaid and Kharif
Seed rate – 8-10 kg per acre
Features – Resistant to Yellow Vein Mosaic Virus.

Variety Name – Prasad Samrat PDM 139
Ripening period – 55-60 days
Yield – 5-6 quintals per acre
Grain colour – bright green grains
Planting time – Zaid and Kharif
Seed rate – 8-10 kg per acre
Features – Resistant to Yellow Vein Mosaic Virus.

Variety Name – Naval (NVL-1)
Harvest period – 60-65 days
Plant height – 50-60 cm.
Number of grains in the pod – 14
Grain colour – bright green
grain size – bold
Characteristics – Highly tolerant to powdery mildew disease and moderately tolerant to yellow vein mosaic.

Other similar varieties like – Satman Vijay SAS-7007, Prasad Shweta etc. You can order these varieties from Gramophone.
