What is Trichoderma

  • Trichoderma is a biological fungicide.
  • It is a very effective biological tool for plant disease management,
  • Trichoderma is a powerful biocontrol agent and is used extensively for soil-borne diseases such as Fusarium, Phytophthora, Sclerosis, etc. 
  • Trichoderma also acts as a growth agent, nematodes are also controlled if it is used as a protective form.
  • It is also used for seed treatment, germination occurs very quickly by treating seeds, as well as protection from seed-borne diseases.
  • Trichoderma is used as an effective controller of root rot, stem rot, wilt disease, etc.

Symptoms and control of Fusarium wilt in Okra

  • Initially, the plants show temporary wilting symptoms which become permanent and progressive.
  • The leaves of the affected plants show yellowing.
  • Eventually, the plants die.
  • The fungus invades the root system and colonizes the vascular symptoms.
  • In doing so, water movement is blocked and toxins from the fungus alter normal cell function.
  • Cutting the base of the stem revel a dark woody portion.


  • Continuous cultivation of okra on the same piece of land should be avoided.
  • Seed treatment with Carboxin 37.5% + Thiram 37.5% @ 2-3 g/kg of seed OR  Thiophanate Methyl 45% + Pyraclostrobin 5% FS @ 2 g/kg of seed.
  • spray and drenching with Thiophanate methyl 70% WP @ 400 g/acre.
  • Azoxystrobin 18.2% + Difenoconazole 11.4% SC @ 200 ml/acre.
  • RFor bio management, apply Trichoderma viridae for soil application and foliar spray. It controls all types of fungal infections in the crop.

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Transplanting Precautions in Chilli

  • Transplanting of chili is done from July to September.
  • The month of August is best for transplanting of Chilli, then the month of September is good.
  • 5-7 Days before Transplanting, spray tebuconazole 25.9 % @ 1-1.5 gm per liter.
  • Before transplanting, Dip seedling roots in Mycorrhiza solution ( 100 gm of mycorrhiza with 10 ltr of water ).
  • Maintain plant spacing (60 x 45 cm) 
  • if we find some harmful insects at the time of field preparation then apply Carbofuran 3G @ 8 kg/acre.
  • if we have experience of wilting of plants, then apply Trichoderma viridae @ 4 kg/acre.

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Use of Trichoderma :- When, How and Why ?

Trichoderma is most useful for all types of Plants and Vegetables such as cauliflower, cotton, soybean, sugarcane, etc.

  1. Seed treatment: Mix 1 kg of Trichoderma powder per quintal of seeds before sowing.
  2. seedling root dip: Mix 10kg FYM + 100 ltr of water + 1 kg Trichoderma powder mix well and dip the seedling roots for 10 minutes before transplanting.
  3. Soil treatment: Apply 4 Kg of Trichoderma powder per acre with 50 kg of well rotten FYM.
  4. Plant Treatment: Drench the soil near stem region with 10g Trichoderma powder mixed in a liter of water.


  • Don’t use chemical fungicide after application of Trichoderma for 4-5 days.
  • Don’t use Trichoderma in dry soil. Moisture is an essential factor for its growth and survivability.
  • Don’t put the treated seeds in direct sun rays.
  • Don’t keep the treated FYM for a longer duration.

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Field Management in cotton

  • Better crop production can be taken only by the better Field management system.
  • Before sowing the crop, deep ploughing 2 to 3 times and leave the field open for 2-3 days.
  • Weeds are destroyed by deep ploughing and increase the water holding capacity in the soil and the pupa/cocoons of insects present in the field are destroyed and then flatten the field by Bakhar/patella.
  • 10-15 days before sowing, Apply FYM @ 10 tons/acre in the field.
  • Apply Trichoderma viride +Trichoderma harzianum @ 2kg + 50 kg FYM for control of soil-borne diseases.

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Bio-fungicide:- Trichoderma; Application and Benefits

Trichoderma is a very effective biological mean for plant disease management especially the soil born. It is a free-living fungus which is common in soil and root ecosystems.

Benefits of Trichoderma

Disease Control, Plant Growth Promoter, Biochemical Elicitors of Disease, Transgenic Plants and Bioremediation.

Method of application:

  1. Seed treatment: Mix 6 – 10 g of Trichoderma powder per Kg of seed before sowing.
  2. Nursery treatment: Apply 10 – 25 g of Trichoderma powder per 100 Sq.m. of nursery bed. Application of neem cake and FYM before treatment increases the efficacy.
  3. Cutting and seedling root dip: Mix 10g of Trichoderma powder per liter of water and dip the cuttings and seedlings for 10 minutes before planting.
  4. Soil treatment: Mix 1kg of Trichoderma formulation in 100 kg of farmyard manure and cover it for 7 days with polythene. Sprinkle the heap with water intermittently. Turn the mixture in every 3-4 days interval and then broadcast in the field.
  5. Plant Treatment: Drench the soil near stem region with 10 g Trichoderma powder mixed in a liter of water.

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