How to manage thrips in onion crop

  • Thrips are small and soft-bodied insects and can be found on the upper surface of leaves but usually on the lower surface of leaves. 

  • With their sharp mouthparts, they suck the sap of the leaves, which causes the leaves to turn brown on the edges. 

  • The affected plant appears dry and the leaf becomes discoloured and curls upwards. This insect is the cause of Jalebi disease in onion crops.

  • For the control of thrips it is necessary to use different chemicals for every spray.

Control Measures

  • For biological control, spray Brigade B (Bavaria bassiana 1.15% WP) @ 1 kg/acre @ 150 -200 liters of water.

  • To control this pest, Spray Novalaxam (Thiamethoxam 12.6% + Lambda Cyhalothrin 9.5% ZC) @ 60 ml or Jump (Fipronil 80% WG) @ 30 gm + Silicomaxx @ 50 ml + Novamaxx (Gibberellic Acid 0.001%) @ 300 ml, per acre  @ 150 to 200 liters of water.

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How to manage thrips in onion crop?

It is a small insect which causes the most damage to the onion crop. Both its infant and adults suck the juice by hiding it in the cheekbones of the leaves. This forms yellow-white spots on the leaves, and in the later stages, the leaves shrink. This insect is yellow in their initial stages which turns dark brown later. Its lifespan is of 8–10 days. Adults live in a dormant state on an onion field, on the grass and other plants. In winter, thrips go into tubers and act as a source of infection the next year. These pests appear in large numbers on onion tubers during March-April. They suck the juice from leaves which makes them spiral and limits the plant’s growth. Sometimes their infestation remains on the tubers even during the storage.

Preventive measures –

-For control of thrips in onion, deep ploughing should be done in summer.

-Do not use nitrogen fertilizer in excess.

Spray Profenophos 50 E.C. @ 45 ml or lambda-cyhalothrin 4.9% c.s. @ 20 ml or spinosed @ 10 ml or fipronil 5 s.c. with 15 litres of water per acre.
