Symptoms and control measures of leaf miner pest in watermelon crop!

Symptoms and control measures of leaf miner pest in watermelon crop!

Symptoms of Leaf Miner Damage: These are tiny insects. The symptoms of its damage first appear on the leaves. The female of this pest lays eggs by tunnelling inside the leaves. Due to this the larvae come out and eat the green matter of the leaves, due to which white zigzag streaks appear on the leaves. In case of severe infection, the leaves become weak and start falling.

Control measures: To control this pest, spray Neemgold (Azadirachtin 0.3%) 3000 ppm @ 150 ml, per 15 litres of water (according to Tamil Nadu Agricultural University). After 2 days, take a spray of Novamaxx (Gibberellic Acid 0.001 % L) @ 30 ml + 19:19:19 @ 80 gm per 15 litres of water.

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