Symptoms and control measures of aphid in mustard crop

Symptoms and control measures of aphid in mustard crop
  • Identification: Aphids are small, soft-bodied, pearl-shaped insects. 

  • Favourable conditions: The outbreak usually occurs during the second and third week of December, and continues till March. The humidity of 70 to 80% and a temperature between 8 and 24°C are favourable for the rapid growth of aphids. Rainy and humid weather help accelerate the development of insects. 

  • Symptoms of damage: Both nymphs and adults suck the sap from leaves, buds and pods. Curling may occur in infested leaves and at an advanced stage plants may wither and die. Plants remain stunted and sooty molds grow on the honeydew excreted by the insects.

  • Control measures: Spray Thiamethoxam 25% WP @ 100 gm or Imidacloprid 30.5% SC 100 ml or Flonicamid 50% WG @ 60 ml/acre. These products can be mixed with silicon base stickers up to 5 ml per tank. 

  • Set up a yellow stick trap 10 per acre.

  • For biological control, use Bavaria bassiana at the rate of 250 gm/acre of metarhizium, 1 kg/acre.

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