Sulfur is an essential element, know its importance and deficiency symptoms

Sulfur is an essential element know its importance and deficiency symptoms
  • Sulfur is the fourth most important nutrient after nitrogen, phosphorus and potash in the growth, development and yield of crops.

  • Due to the lack of sulfur, the new leaves coming in the crop become yellowish-green, if its deficiency is too much then the whole plant becomes yellowish green.

  • Leaves and stems become purple, the plant and leaves remain small.

  • Sulfur helps in the formation of chlorophyll in the leaves, which makes the leaves of plants green in colour.

  • Sulfur helps in the formation of enzymes and vitamins in plants.

  • In leguminous crops, it is essential for the formation of root nodules that fix nitrogen.

  • Mustard, onion, garlic and chilli have their natural smell due to sulphur.

  • Increases oil content in the seeds of oilseed crops.

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