Management of sucking pests is necessary in the early stage of cotton crop

  • Cotton is a major cash crop. It is a crop grown in the Kharif season. 

  • In the early stages of the crop, the problem of sucking insects such as whitefly, jassid, aphid is mainly seen, which suck the sap from the leaves of the plant, due to which the leaves shrink in the beginning,

  • Safety Measures – For chemical control after 15 days of crop stage,Spray Asataf  (Acephate 75% SP) @ 300 gm + phoskill(Monocrotophos 36%SL) @ 400 ml + ( Vigermax Gel Gold) @ 400 g +  silicomax 50 ml, in 150 – 200 liters of water per acre. 

  • For biological control – Spray with 150-200 liters of water @  bave-curb (Bavaria vesiana)@ 500 gm/acre.

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