Such an organic house made of cow dung, which remains colder than AC

Such an organic house made of cow dung which remains colder than AC

People adopt many methods to avoid the scorching sun. By the way, people usually use AC, cooler and fan to keep the house cool. Apart from this, there are many such tricks with the help which people keep their homes cool in summer. At the same time, we will tell you such a jugaad to avoid the scorching heat, which you will be surprised to hear.

An organic house that will be cool in summer and warm in winter

Dr Shiv Darshan Malik has created such an organic house, which keeps itself cool in summer and warm in winter. The special feature of this organic house is that it is built with cow dung bricks. This special brick made of cow dung has been named Gaukrete brick and Vedic plaster. Apart from this, they have also used clay, lime and local vegetation to build the house. Because of this, the house is completely organic.

Will be safe from the danger of radiation

On the other hand, due to being organic, the temperature of this house remains 7 degrees lower than outside. Along with this, it is also safe from the danger of radiation. This house is very safe, economical and weather-friendly in every sense. Because of this Shiv Darshan Malik is advising everyone to prepare such houses, so that both the environment and health remain healthy.

Source: Krishi Jagran

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