Improved Variety of Soybean :- NRC-7

Duration medium, 90-99 day

100 grains weighing 13 grams

It has finite growth so easy for harvesting.

Resistant to shattering of beans.

This variety has purple flowers. 

Tolerant with girdle beetles and stem Fly.

Yield 10-12 q/acre.


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Management of stem fly in the mungbean

  • Damage in yield by the stem fly in the mungbean crop has been reported to be  24-37%.
  • In India Stem fly infestation during the germination stage is predominant affecting crop produce posing a serious concern.
  • As this pest attacks during the initial stage of germination which is generally 4 weeks after sowing, this infestation results in wilting of leaves leading to crop loss.
  • Foliar spray of imidacloprid 17.8% SL @ 100 ml/acre OR Bifenthrin 10% EC @ 300 ml per acre may be sprayed to control stem fly.

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Management of Stem fly in Pea

Avoid sowing of the crop earlier than mid-October to check the attack of the pest. Remove and destroy all the affected branches during the initial stages of attack. Sowing the crop in the second fortnight of October to escape the damage of the pest. Apply 7.5 kg of phorate 10G or 25 kg of carbofuran 3 G per ha in furrows at the time of sowing. On the crop, spray three times 750 ml of oxydemeton methyl 25 EC in 750 L of water per ha. The first application should be just after germination and the other two at an interval of 2 weeks each.

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