Spray management in soybean crop in 35-40 days

Spray management in soybean crop in 35-40 days
  • As you know, soybean is the most important Kharif crop.
  • Just as spray management is done at the time of sowing and in 25-30 days after sowing, for control of pest and fungal diseases as well as for good growth and development, in the same way, spray management should be done during 35-40 days of sowing is necessary
  • Due to the Kharif crop, the area where the soybean crop is sown is high in moisture, due to which many fungal borne diseases occur on the soybean crop. To control these diseases, HEXACONAZOLE 5% SC @ 400 ml / acre Or spray of THIOPHANATE METHYL 70% WP @ 300 gram / acre or KASUGAMYCIN 3% SL @ 400 ml / acre.
  • For control of insects, PROFENOFOS 40 % + CYPERMETHRIN 4% EC @ 400 ml / acre or EMAMECTIN BENZOATE 5% SG @ 100 gm / acre should be sprayed.
  • For good flowering and to prevent flower drop of soybean crop Spray HOMOBRASSINOLIDE @ 100 ml/acre.