Time of Sowing, Spacing and Seed rate of Carrot

Time of Sowing, Spacing and Seed rate of Carrot:-

  • Time of sowing:- August-September is best time for sowing local (desi) varieties of carrots whereas October-November month is ideal for European varieties.
  • Seed Rate:- For sowing of one acre land seed rate of 4-5 kg is sufficient.
  • Spacing:- Use row to row spacing of 45 cm and plant to plant spacing of 7.5 cm.
  • Sowing Depth:- For good growth, sown seeds at depth of 1.5 cm.

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Spacing for Cauliflower

  • The planting distance may vary according to variety early, mid and late.
  • planting seasons (Rabi, Kharif, and Zaid ) and soil conditions (light, medium and heavy).
  • The following distances are generally recommended on the basis of the maturity of varieties.
  • For early varieties:- 45 X 45 cm.
  • For mid  varieties:- 60 X 40 cm.
  • For late  varieties:- 60 X 60 cm. or 60 X45 cm.

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Spacing for cabbage

  • The planting distance may vary according to variety, planting season and soil conditions.
  • The following distances are generally recommended on the basis of maturity of varieties.
  • Early variety 45 x 45 cm.
  • Mid variety 60 x 45 cm.
  • Late variety 60 x 60 or 75 x 60 cm.

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Spacing in cowpea

  • Seeds of bushy varieties are dibbled at a spacing of 30 X 5 cm with 1-2 seeds per hole.
  • For semi-trailing varieties provide a spacing of 45 X 30 cm.
  • During rainy season, seeds are sown at the above spacing in raised beds of 90 cm width.
  • Trailing varieties are sown in pits of 45-60 cm diameter and 30-45 cm depth at a spacing of 2 X 2 cm with 3 plants /pit for trailing on bower.

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Spacing and Seed Rate of Pea

Spacing and Seed Rate of Pea:-

  • The spacing of 10 c.m. from plant to plant is ideal.
  • The seeds should be sown 2-3 cm deep in the  soil.
  • The row to row distance should be 30 cm.  
  • About 100 kg seed is enough for a hectare.

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Spacing for Cauliflower

Spacing for Cauliflower:-

  • The planting distance may vary according to variety early, mid and late.
  • planting seasons (Rabi, Kharif and Zaid ) and soil conditions (light, medium and heavy).
  • The following distances are generally recommended on the basis of maturity of varieties.
  • For early varieties:- 45 X 45 cm.
  • For mid  varieties:- 60 X 40 cm.
  • For late  varieties:- 60 X 60 cm. or 60 X45 cm.

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Spacing of Cucumber

Spacing of Cucumber:-

  • Seeds are sown in furrows at a distance of 1.0-1.5 meter between plants.
  • When cucumber is trained on bower fallow a spacing of 3 *1m.
  • When seeds are sown at a distance of 0.5cm 75meter with 4-6 seed/hill allow two ph plants/hill to grow in hilly areas.

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Sowing and sowing time of Chickpea (Gram)

  • In Unirrigated areas, sowing of gram should be done in the first fortnight of October.
  • In areas where irrigation facility is available, sowing should be done by 30th October.
  • To get more yield from the crop it is very necessary to have proper number of plants per unit in the field.
  • For proper number of plants, the seed rate and the proper distance of the plant from the row and the plant have an important role.
  • 80 kg for dry farming And for irrigated area 60 kg The amount of seed is adequate per hectare.
  • The depth of seed for the dry land crop is 7 to 10 cm. For the irrigated area, sowing of seeds should be done in depth from 5 to 7 cm depth. Line to line distance 45 to 50 Cm should be kept on.

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