Soil Treatment in Onion Nursery

How to do soil treatment in Cotton crop?
  • Before sowing soil treatment is very important for the field or for the bed in which onion seeds are sown.
  • The soil treatment of the field or bed is done to protect the plant from soil insects and fungal diseases as the residues of old crops remain in the field, these residues can act as carrier for some harmful fungus and insects.
  • For the control of these fungus and insects, it is very important to do soil treatment before sowing. Soil treatment is done by two methods.
  • Chemical treatment: – should be treated FIPRONIL 0.3% GR @ 25 gram / nursery.
  • Biological treatment: – FYM @ 10 kg / nursery and TRICHODERMA VIRIDE @ 25 gram / nursery and treat seaweed, amino acid, mycorrhiza @ 25 gram / nursery