Do these agricultural work in empty fields in summer

Do these agricultural work in empty fields in summer
  • After harvesting Rabi crops, deep ploughing, soil solarization, soil testing etc. is very beneficial in the summer season when the field remains empty.

  • Deep ploughing – To get a higher yield from the next crop, it is beneficial to keep the field vacant during the summer season by doing deep ploughing immediately after harvesting of Rabi crop. Summer ploughing is done from April to June, as far as possible, farmers should do summer ploughing with a cultivator/ plough immediately after harvesting of Rabi crop.

  • Soil solarization- For this, spread a sheet of polythene on the surface of the soil. Due to this, the temperature under the layer increases greatly due to the heat of the soil, due to which the germs of diseases, unnecessary seeds, eggs of insects and moths, etc., are all destroyed. For soil solarization, the best time is from 15 April to 15 May. 

  • Soil test- After harvesting the soil must be tested. Soil testing determines soil pH, electrical conductivity, organic carbon as well as deficiencies of major and micronutrients that can be improved over time.

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Soil Solarization Process and Importance

Soil Solarization Process and Importance
  • In summer, when the straight sunshine and the temperature is high (25 April to 15 May), then the time of soil solarization is the best.
  • First, wet the soil with water, or saturate it with water.
  • These beds are covered with a transparent 200 gauge (50 μm) polyethylene sheet and spread for 5-6 weeks in the summer, and the edges around it are pressed well with soil so that air cannot enter.
  • In this process, the temperature of the soil under the polythene sheet increases by 8–100C than normal. Due to which harmful insects present in the bed, spores of diseases and seeds of some weeds are destroyed.
  • The polyethylene sheet should be removed after 5-6 weeks.
  • This method is very beneficial and less expensive for the nursery and it destroys different types of weed seeds/ rhizomes (except some like Cyperus rotundus and Convolvulus arvensis etc.).
  • Parasitic weeds Orobanche, nematodes, and bacteria from soil diseases, etc. are also destroyed. This method is very practical and successful.
  • In this way, the soil can be treated without adding anything to the soil.

How to do soil treatment without using chemicals?

There are mainly two ways of doing soil treatment using chemicals, which are as follows:

Soil solarization– Due to strong sunlight and high temperature, summer is the best time for soil solarization. In this process, the seed-plots (seedbeds) are covered by a transparent sheet of plastic for one to two months.  The edges of the plastic sheet should be covered with soil so that air cannot enter inside. This process increases the temperature inside the plastic film, which destroy the harmful pests, the spores of diseases and the seeds of some weeds present in the soil. The Soil solarization reduces soilborne diseases and pests in the seedbeds. In this way, you can reduce the pests in the soil without using any kind of chemicals.  

Organic method – 

In this method, the soil is treated with fungicide Trichoderma viridi (Sanjivani / Combate) and insecticide Bueveria basiana (Bave Curb). Take 8-10 tons of good rotten cow dung and mix 2 kg of Sanjivani / Combate and Bave Curb and maintain moisture in the mixture. This mixture should not get direct sunlight. So, do this process under a shade or tree. Maintain the moisture by spraying some water on the mixture whenever needed.  After 4-5 days, the colour of the manure becomes light green due to the germination of the fungus. After that, the fertilizer is turned upside down so that the fungus can be contained in the bottom layer also. After 7 to 10 days, this mixture should be scattered in the field. By doing this, the harmful pests present in the land, their eggs, pupa and spores of fungi can be destroyed. The soil enrichment kit by Gramophone contains all the biological products that improve soil structure, increase the number of beneficial organisms and availability of plant nutrients, destroy harmful fungi, grow roots, increase rhizobium in roots and increase nitrogen fixation.


Soil solarization in chilli nursery

  • For chilli nursery, April-May is a suitable time for soil solarization. As the temperature rises up to 40 ºC at this time.
  • Spread transparent polythene of 200 gauges (50 Micron) on the whole nursery area for about 5-6 weeks.
  • The margin of the polythene should be covered by wet soil (compressed mud) to check the entry of air.
  • After 5-6 weeks remove the polythene sheet.

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