Flower promotion in snake gourd

  • The flowering stage is most important in snake gourd.
  • A flowering stage comes 40-45 days after seed sowing.
  • We can promote flowering and takes high yield through given below products.
    • Spray Homobrassinolide 0.04% W/w 100-120 ml/acre.
    • Apply seaweed extract 180-200 ml./acre.
    • Use multi-Micro nutrients 300 Gm/acre.
    • Spray 2 gm/acre gibberellic acid.

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Control of fruit fly in snake gourd

  • The maggots burrow into the fruits and suck the sap.
  • Infested fruits decay and drop.
  • The fly mainly prefers tender fruits for egg laying.
  • Ovipositional punctures caused by adults also cause injury on fruits and fruit juices oozes out.
  • Collect and destroy infested fruits.
  • Cover developing fruits with paper or polythene cover immediately after anthesis pollination.
  • Maize plants grown in rows at a distance of 8-10 cm in snake gourd field is effective as flies rest on such tall plants.
  • Soil incorporation of carbaryl 10% dust can be made in fruit fly endemic areas.
  • Spraying of Dichlorovas @3 ml/lit of water at fortnightly intervals.
  • Deep ploughing to expose hibernating stages.

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Picking in snake gourd

  • Fruits should be harvesting at tender stage but after attaining full size
  • White spine colour will be an indication of edible maturity.
  • For commercial purpose, snake gourd is harvested at immature condition 10-12 days after pollination depending upon the cultivars.  
  • Fruits need to be harvested every second or third day since over mature fruits reduce further fruit set and development of new fruits.

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Zinc solubilizing bacteria in snake gourd

Zinc solubilizing bacteria naturally occurring and beneficial bacteria which produces various organic acids and makes solubilization of inorganic zinc and convert into bio-available form which helps in plant growth and multiplication.

  • Increase crop yield and the quality of the produce
  • Increase hormones activities
  • Increase Plant growth and root growth
  • Increase photosynthetic activity
  • Increase soil fertility and the effect can be seen on next crop season because of bacterial multiplication and presence.

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Stem gall fly management in snake gourd

  • Maggots bore into the distal shoot and form galls.
  • Adult:  slender dark brown mosquito-like fly. 
  • Spray any following insecticides.
  • Dimethoate 30% EC 250 ml/Acre
  • Dichlorvos 76% EC @ 250 ml/Acre

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Hormone application in snake gourd for more yield


  • If it takes six to eight leaves on the plant, make a solution of 1 ml of 0.25-1 ml of 10 liters of ethylene or gibberellic acid and spraying on the vines and flowers will increase the number of female flowers and the number of fruits will be doubled, and this Works for up to 80 days.

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Staking in Snake gourd

  • Snake gourd grows very fast and vines elongate rapidly within two weeks after planting.
  • Staking and trellising will increase fruit yield, size, reduce fruit rot and make spraying and harvesting easier.
  • The trellis should be 1.2-1.8 meter high constructed from stacks 1.2 -1.8 meter apart.

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Flower promotion nutrients in snake gourd

  • The flowering stage is most important in snake gourd.
  • A flowering stage comes 40-45 days after seed sowing.
  • We can promote flowering and takes high yield through given below products.
  • Spray Homobrassinolide 0.04% W/w 100-120 ml/acre.
  • Apply seaweed extract 180-200 ml./acre.
  • Use multi-Micro nutrients 300 Gm/acre.
  • Spray 2 gm/acre gibberellic acid.

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Control of Leaf Hopper and Jassid in Snake gourd

  • Nymphs and adults are sucking the cell sap of leaves of snake gourd vines causing typical hopper burn symptoms.
  • Initially, leaf margins turn yellow in colour and finally dry off. Fruit size and quality are also reduced.
  • Soil application of Carbofuran 3 G @ 10 Kg/acre at the time of sowing.
  • Spray Profenophos 50% EC @ 400 Ml/acre or Acetamiprid 20% WP @ 80 gm/acre at fortnightly intervals starting with the appearance of the jassid.
  • Prophylactic spray of Neem oil-garlic mixture at fortnightly intervals is advantageous for avoiding pest incidence.

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Control of downy mildew in Snake gourd

  • During wet season, corresponding lower surface is covered with faint purplish fungal growth.
  • The entire leaf dries up quickly.
  • Use of bed system with wide spacing with good drainage and air movement and exposure to sun help to check the disease development.
  • Spray with Mancozeb 75% WP @ 350-400 gm/acre or Chlorothalonil 75% WP @ 200-250 gm/ acre.

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