Problems and control measures of fruit and shoot borer in brinjal crop

symptoms of damage:-

  • In the brinjal crop, the caterpillar of the fruit and shoot borer eats the inner pulp by piercing the stem.

  • If the pest was infested on the marginal branches, branches would bend.

  • The caterpillar attacks the fruit by entering it from under the florets in the tender stage and no signs of infection are visible.

  • The large holes that appear on the fruits are usually due to the exit of the caterpillar.

Control measures –

  • To control, take the spray of LAMNOVA (Lambda-cyhalothrin 04.90 % CS) @120 ml or FAME (Flubendiamide 480 sc) @ 60 ml or VIRAAT (CYPERMETHRIN 3 % + QUINALPHOS 20 % EC) @ 240 ml + Silico maxx @ 50 ml @ 150 to 200 liters of water per acre.

  • For biological control, spray Briged B (BEAUVERIA BASSIANA 1.15% WP) @1 kg/acre @ 150-200 liters of water.

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