Why seed treatment is necessary

  • Seed treatment is very important for agriculture, which prevents seed and soil borne diseases. 

  • 70 to 80 percent of the farmers of the crops in the country do not change the seeds and use only the old seeds. 

  • Due to this, the risk of pest and disease is high, As a result the cost increases.

  • Only seed treatment can increase production by 6 to 10 percent.

  • Add after the line-The effect of insecticides also increases with seed treatment and the crop becomes safe for 20 to 25 days.

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Importance of seed treatment in crops

  • Seed treatment prevents seed borne and soil borne diseases. 

  • 70 to 80 percent of the farmers of the crops in the country do not change the seeds and use only the old seeds. Due to this, the risk of pest and disease is high, resulting in increased cost. Whereas seed borne and soil borne diseases are prevented by seed treatment. Only seed treatment can increase production by 6 to 10 percent.

  • Apart from good germination with seed treatment, the growth of plants is also good.

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Seed treatment is an essential process in soybean crops

  • In the soybean crop, it is very important to do seed treatment before sowing.

  • Seed treatment in soybean crops can be done both by biological and chemical methods.

  • Soybean is treated with both fungicides and insecticides.

  • To treat seed with fungicide,Carbendazim 12% + Mancozeb 63% [Carma Nova] @ 2.5 gm/kg seed or Carboxin 17.5% + Thiram 17.5% [Vitavax Ultra] @ 2.5 ml/kg seeds or Trichoderma viride  [Combat] @ 5-10 gm/kg seeds. 

  • To treat seed with  insecticides , Thiamethoxam 30% FS [ThiaNova Super] @ 4 ml/kg of seed or Imidacloprid 48% FS [Gaucho] @ 1.25 ml/kg of seed.

  • To increase nitrogen fixation in soybean crops, treat with Rhizobium [Jev vatika -R Soya] @ 5 gm/kg of seeds.

  • By treating seeds with fungicides, soybean is protected from wilt, and root rot disease.

  • The seed germinates properly, and the germination percentage increases.

  • The initial development of the soybean crop is uniform.

  • Seed treatment with Rhizobium increases nodules in the roots of soybean crops and fixes more nitrogen.

  • By treating seed with insecticides, the soybean crop is protected from soil insects such as white grubs, ants, termites etc.

  • A good crop is also obtained in adverse conditions (low/high moisture).

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Next activity for your Green gram crop

0 to 3 days before sowing – to prevent seeds from fungal diseases

To protect the seed from fungus in soil, treat the seeds with Thairm 37.5% + Carboxin 37.5% (Vitavax Power) 3 gm per kg seeds or Carbendazim + Mancozeb (Saaf) 2.5 gm per kg seeds or Thiamethoxam 30% FS (Reno) 4 ml per kg seeds or Rhizobium (Jaivatika R) 5 gram per kg seed .


Why seed treatment is so crucial in mung crops

Why seed treatment is so crucial in mung crops
  • Seed treatment reduces the chances of seed-borne and soil-borne diseases and thus increases seed germination.
  • Treat seeds with Carboxin 37.5% + Thiram 37.5% at the rate of 2.5 g / kg to control harmful fungi found in soil.
  • For its biological treatment, treat seeds with Trichoderma viride at the rate of 5-10g / kg seed. or
  • treat the seeds with Pseudomonas fluorescens at the rate of 5-10 g/ kg seed.

Precautions to be taken while seed treatment

Importance of seed treatment in agriculture
  • While treating seeds, take as much quantity of seeds as needed per acre.
  • Use only the recommended amount of insecticide, fungicide 
  • Treat seeds the same day as sowing
  • Do not store seeds after treatment.
  • Only use the required amount of water to coat the medicine on the seeds. 
  • Use only the suggested medicine according to the crop for seed treatment.

Seed Treatment in Soybean

Seed Treatment in Soybean
  • Seed treatment in soybean crops helps in controlling the fungal and bacterial diseases spread by fungus and bacteria.
  • To protect against the disease, for one kg of seeds use    Carbendazim 12% + Mancozeb 64% 3 grm or  Carboxin 37.5% + Thiram 2.5 grm or Thiophanate methyl + Pyroclostrobin 2 ml of phosphate solubilizing bacteria + Trichoderma viride 2 gm / kg, + 5 gm + Rhizobium culture  5 grams per kg seed.
  • After that spread the seeds in a flat shady place and cover them with soaked jute bags.
  • Sowing immediately after seed treatment, it is not advisable to keep the seed for too long.
  • Then sow the treated seeds evenly. Keep in mind that sowing the seeds in the evening because of high temperature increases the chances of destroying germination.

Importance of seed treatment in agriculture

Importance of seed treatment in agriculture
  • Control of seed borne Diseases: For control of seed borne diseases in small grain crops, vegetables and cotton seeds, seed treatment is very effective.
  • Control of soil borne diseases: The seeds are treated with fungicidal chemicals to protect seeds and young plants from soil borne fungi, bacteria and nematodes, so that the seeds are safe in the ground,and all the chemicals that are used in seed treatment that are makes a covers around the seeds.
  • Improves germination: By treating seeds with proper fungicide, their surface is protected from the attack of fungi, which increases their germination capacity.
  • Protection from pests: By treating the seed with a suitable pesticide before storage, it also protects the seeds during storage and after sowing. The pesticide was selected based on the type and storage period of the crop.

Method of seed treatment

Method of seed treatment

Seed treatment can be done in one of the following ways.

Seed Dressing: This is the most common method of seed treatment. The seed is treated either in a dry mixture or in a wet form with a pulp or liquid solution. Low-cost earthen pots are used for mixing with seed pesticides or by spreading the seeds on a polythene sheet and spraying the required amount of chemicals by hand mixing.

Seed coating (coating): A special binder is used along with the mixture to properly stick to the seed.

Seed Palletting: It is the most sophisticated seed treatment technology, whereby the physical shape of the seed is changed to improve the palatability and handling of the seed. Palletting requires special application machinery and techniques and this is the most expensive application.


How to do Seed treatment of cotton seeds before sowing

How to do Seed treatment of cotton seeds before sowing
  • Start seed treatment with 2.5 gm carbendazim 12% + mancozeb 63% WP followed by 5 ml imidacloprid 48% FS and the next treatment with 2 gm PSB bacteria and Trichoderma viride @ 5-10 gm per kg seed.
  • These treatments have protection from fungal diseases and sucking insects along with phosphorus in the available condition which improves root growth.
  • Remember that fungicide should be used first, then insecticide, and finally bio culture.