Root rot and damping off of cowpea crop

Root rot and damping off of cowpea crop
  • Due to the outbreak of diseases, the seedlings remain small and some of these seedlings rot in the hypocotyl region and spread downwards.

  • Due to this, the roots also start rotting and the plants start drying up.

  • Brown-black sunken lesions appear on the lower stems of mature plants, and small black sclerotia accumulate in the roots.

  • Due to this, sometimes the girdle of the stem may break longitudinally.

  • To avoid its outbreak, adopt crop rotation with non-host crops for 2-3 years.

  • Seed treatment with Treating seeds with Carmanova (Carbendazim 12%+ Mancozeb 64%) @ 3 gm/ kg seeds before sowing.

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